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If you have unwanted body or facial hair and you’re interested in laser hair removal, schedule an appointment with Ona Skincare in Nashville today. This non-invasive procedure is ideal for the lip, chin, cheeks, bikini area, underarms, legs, chest, back, and more. We also offer Laser Vein Therapy for people who wish to reduce the appearance of leg veins. As a leading provider of premium skincare services in Nashville, our staff is passionate about ensuring your visit is pleasant and comfortable. Whether you’re interested in hair removal, waxing, micro-needling, or whole body cryotherapy, we’ve got you covered.

Laser Treatments


Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is for women and men of all skin types and tones.

  • Lip
  • Chin
  • Cheeks
  • Bikini
  • Brazilian
  • Underarms
  • Neck
  • Sideburns
  • Between brows
  • Arms
  • Legs entire
  • Legs knees down
  • Chest
  • Beard
  • Abdomen
  • Back

For more information and frequently asked questions about this treatment, click here.


Laser Genesis

The Laser Genesis procedure utilizes non-invasive laser technology to safely, discretely and effectively treat fine line wrinkles, large pores, uneven skin texture, diffuse redness and scars. You can expect to see subtle yet consistent results after each treatment, without unwanted side effects such as bruising or excessive skin irritation. Treatments can be performed in a relaxed comfortable manner without the use of topical anesthetics or gel.

  • Face
  • Neck
  • Hands
  • Chest
  • Face
  • Face and Neck
  • Face, Neck and Chest


Laser Genesis


Laser Genesis


Before & After Gallery

For more information and frequently asked questions about this treatment, click here.
For Before & After photos of this treatment, click here.


Limelight IPL

Limelight IPL provides treatment of skin redness, tiny veins, brown spots and sun damage.

  • Face
  • Neck
  • Hands
  • Chest

For frequently asked questions about this treatment, click here.
For Before & After photos of this treatment, click here.


Laser Vein Therapy

Now women and men alike are making unsightly facial and leg veins a thing of the past. This therapy allows you to get rid of unwanted veins with no more painful injections!

  • Nose
  • Cheeks
  • Full Face
  • Legs

*prices include one touch-up visit

For more information and frequently asked questions about this treatment, click here.


TITAN Tissue Tightening Treatments

The new Cutera TITAN gives you an all-natural option to enhance skin tone and elasticity. Titan uses light energy to heat the dermis deep beneath your skin’s surface. Without surgery, recovery time or injections, Titan is an ideal solution for your face, arms and abdomen.

For more information and frequently asked questions about this treatment, click here.



3D Skin Rejuvenation, exclusively from Cutera, is an innovative, three-tiered approach to restore healthy skin and rejuvenate the appearance. 3D Skin Rejuvenation™ uses a series of cutting-edge procedures: Limelight Facial, Laser Genesis and Titan, resulting in noticeably improved skin tone, texture and tightness.

Most people may have one, two, three, or more trouble areas that need to be addressed at the same time. Cutera 3D Skin Rejuvenation is designed to treat multiple skin problems for optimal results. 3D Rejuvenation treats all layers of the skin, addressing multiple problem areas at one time and providing patients with a healthy, youthful appearance in just a few weeks.

3D Skin Rejuvenation delivers pulses of heat to the three layers of the skin in order to stimulate and renew collagen to treat large skin pores, fine lines, and the overall tone and texture of skin. The generated heat also works to break down dilated capillaries in order to diminish redness linked to rosacea or spider veins. Treating spider veins with a laser works by transmitting intense bursts of light directly into the vein to make it gradually fade and disappear. No needles or incisions are necessary.

For frequently asked questions about this treatment, click here.


Lutronic Clarity 2

Remove unwanted hair faster and more comfortably with Lutronic Clarity 2 treatments in Nashville. With the innovative features integrated in this new laser treatment device, hair removal takes less time and requires fewer treatments to achieve desired results. Lutronic Clarity 2 is a state-of-the-art system that can also be used for skin rejuvenation, pigmentation issues, and vascular lesions.


Schedule A Laser Treatment With Ona Skincare In Nashville

Melissa Rhodes, a nurse practitioner who has over 20 years of experience and 10 years as a surgical nurse, located in Nashville, TN, who is very skilled and has a vast amount of experience with the Microdermabrasion procedure.

Contact Us

FAQs Laser Treatments

Laser treatments are medical and cosmetic procedures that use concentrated beams of light to target and treat various skin concerns and conditions. They offer effective solutions for issues like hair removal, skin rejuvenation, and more.

Are Laser Treatments Safe?

Yes, laser treatments are generally safe when performed by trained and certified professionals. They have been used for many years in medical and aesthetic practices with a proven track record of safety and efficacy.

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

Laser hair removal works by emitting a focused laser beam that targets the hair follicles. The laser’s energy is absorbed by the pigment in the hair follicles, damaging them and inhibiting future hair growth.

Is Laser Hair Removal Permanent?

Laser hair removal can lead to long-lasting hair reduction, but it may not be entirely permanent. Some individuals may require occasional touch-up treatments to maintain desired results.

What Is Laser Genesis?

Laser Genesis is a non-invasive laser treatment that stimulates collagen production, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, and improves overall skin texture and tone. It is an excellent option for skin rejuvenation.

How Many Laser Genesis Sessions Are Needed?

The number of sessions required varies based on individual skin concerns. Typically, a series of treatments spaced a few weeks apart is recommended for optimal results.

What Is Limelight IPL?

Limelight IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) is a non-invasive treatment that targets skin imperfections like sunspots, redness, and vascular lesions. It can improve skin tone and reduce pigmentation irregularities.

Is There downtime after Limelight IPL?

There is minimal to no downtime after Limelight IPL treatments. Some individuals may experience temporary redness or mild swelling, but these side effects usually subside within a day or two.

What Is Laser Vein Therapy Used for?

Laser vein therapy is used to treat vascular issues like spider veins and small varicose veins. It works by targeting and closing off the affected veins, improving their appearance and reducing discomfort.

Is Laser Vein Therapy Painful?

Most patients find laser vein therapy to be well-tolerated and relatively painless. Some may experience a slight stinging sensation during the procedure, but it is typically brief and manageable.

What Is Titan Tissue Tightening?

Titan Tissue Tightening is a non-surgical procedure that uses infrared light to heat the deep layers of the skin. This stimulates collagen production, resulting in firmer, tighter skin.

How Long Does the Titan Tissue Tightening Treatment Take?

The duration of a Titan Tissue Tightening treatment session varies depending on the area being treated but typically lasts between 30 minutes to an hour.What Is 3D Skin Rejuvenation™?

3D Skin Rejuvenation™ is a comprehensive approach to skin rejuvenation that combines multiple modalities, including laser therapy and other treatments, to address a range of skin concerns such as wrinkles, texture irregularities, and pigmentation issues.

How Soon can I see Results with 3D Skin Rejuvenation™?

Results can vary, but many patients notice improvements in their skin’s texture and appearance within a few weeks to a couple of months after completing a series of treatments.

What Is Lutronic Clarity 2?

Lutronic Clarity 2 is an advanced laser system used for a variety of skin treatments, including laser hair removal, skin resurfacing, and more. It provides precise and customizable treatment options.

Is There Any Discomfort Associated with Lutronic Clarity 2 treatments?

While discomfort levels can vary depending on the specific treatment, many patients find Lutronic Clarity 2 treatments to be well-tolerated. Your provider may use topical numbing creams or cooling techniques to enhance comfort during the procedure.


At Ona Skincare

“Small, quiet, intimate, comfy and serene. I have been a client of Melissa Rhodes NP for years now. I refer all my clients and friends to her as well. She takes care of my facial Peels and everything needle. Pricing is competitive to market. Most importantly, I can trust her, she really knows what she’s doing.”

Consultation to Maintenance Process Infographic
Book Appointment

Ona Skincare is proud to be a leading provider of laser therapy treatments in Nashville. From laser hair removal to laser vein therapy, we offer a variety of treatments to help you look and feel your absolute best. We also specialize in luxurious facials, injectables, waxing, ultherapy, micro-needling, and whole body cryotherapy. If you’re not sure what kind of beauty treatment you’d like, give our team a call for a free consultation. When you sign up for our newsletter, you can save up to 10% on our beauty services!