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  • How does the Detox Body Wrap Work

    An increase in circulation and lymphatic flow stimulate body cleansing and provide a loss of inches and cellulite through this pampering Body Contour Wrap.

  • What is cellulite?

    Cellulite is described as a condition of uneven deposits of fat, water, and wastes trapped in the connective tissues of the body. The biggest contributor to a cellulite condition is poor blood circulation. Toxic accumulation and fluid retention are major contributing factors in its formation.

  • How does a person remove these trapped toxins and wastes, to eliminate cellulite, contour the body, and get rid of excess inches?

    Through the Detox Body Wrap. Ona Skincare offers a wrap that has been a proven, effective part of our holistic spa line since 1981. The wrap was originally formulated to encourage circulatory and lymphatic flow in clients with inhibited circulation. Over time, it was found that increased circulation and the resulting cleansing of tissue provided a loss of inches from the body, reversing the cellulite-building cycle and releasing trapped materials from soft problem areas.

  • What does the wrap feel like?

    The Body Contour Wrap is a pampering, 90 minute spa service that provides effective inch-loss results. This is one of the only Body Wraps on the market that helps to detoxify the body, without losing water through perspiration or dehydration of the skin. The client will feel a warm flushing sensation while they lay wrapped on a treatment table. This Body Contour Wrap is a holistic spa program – all products are made from natural ingredients, rather than chemicals that are used in many body wraps today. Exfoliation and circulation creams facilitate the loss of inches, and plastic wrap is used to contour and shape the body. Clients can experience a loss of up to ½ dress or pant size with each wrap in this safe, warm, and luxurious spa treatment.

  • What should I do prior to receiving a Detox Body Wrap?

    Please come to the wrap appointment freshly bathed, without any lotions or perfumes on the body.
    The legs should be shaved the night before the wrap, rather than the same day.
    Please bring a small bikini swimsuit or bikini panties and bra, along with anklet socks for warmth, to change into once inside a private treatment room.

    Drink plenty of water prior to being wrapped –but not within 1.5 hours of receiving wrap (to avoid the need to use the restroom during wrap). Depending on when the service is to take place they may drink half, to all, of their daily-allotted water -prior to wrap.

    If taking a vitamin supplement that contains a high amount of Niacin, one may want to temporarily discontinue use of this a day or two prior to receiving the wrap.

    You will want to drink 32 ounces of water a day in the 2 days following the wrap
    Avoid alcohol for at least 24 hours after the wrap if possible.

    Bring loose fitting clothing to put on after the wrap and plan light cardio that day or evening to enhance the results.

Consultation to Maintenance Process Infographic

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