When it comes to providing you with the best skin care regimens and treatments, you really need to have a thorough understanding of your skin type and what kinds of things work with it. At Ona Salon in Nashville, we have worked with various types of skin, providing each of the individuals with a care regimen that provided them with the results that they wanted. Today we are going to dive into the different types of skin, ways to recognize them, and what types of products are a must.
Skin Type: Normal Skin
Normal skin is almost exactly what it sounds like: normal. This skin type doesn’t get irritated too easily and it reacts fairly well to its surroundings and the products that you use. This is one of the easiest skin types to have because it doesn’t require too much care or products that are specific to the skin type. While that can sound like a great thing, it can also make your reactions when you use specific products, a little bit more challenging.
Ways to Recognize It
The best way to recognize normal skin is actually going to be by noticing a lack of other signs of unhealthy skin. For example, there will not be traces of oil or dry patches throughout the skin, so you can usually warrant that the skin is pretty healthy on its own. Overall, the sin will feel soft to the touch, look pretty even in town and have a very soft texture.
Most Important Products
As with any skin care regimen, you need to make sure that you have products that provide your skin with all the nourishment that it needs. That includes a good face wash, moisturizer, and cleanser. With normal skin, it should be pretty easy to find a product to get the job done, and it will mostly come down to preference. If you find a product that is specifically for dry or oily skin, do your best to stay away. These products counter the way the body reacts to this skin type, and could trigger an unnatural reaction in your skin.
Skin Type: Dry Skin
A common skin type that is found in drier parts of the country is known as dry skin. The reason that skin becomes classified as dry skin is because it has a low level of sebum, which makes it difficult for it to maintain oil. When this skin type is cleaned, the skin will usually have a tight feeling, and can become flakey.
Ways to Recognize It
One of the easiest ways to recognize this type of skin is through dry patches across the skin. This could range from spotty, red blotches across the skin, sensitivity to touch, irritability and itchiness, and peeling. This can happen across the face, in some specific areas based on the individual, but is also extremely common around the nose, mouth, and eyes. More often than not, it’s pretty easy to see flakes of skin coming off around that area.
Most Important Products
This specific skin type is pretty challenging and can require a lot of attention to detail in regards to which type of products that you’re using. Because it is so sensitive, you’re going to want to stick to products that are sensitive to the dry skin that you already have. That means a gentle cleanser for cleaning your skin and removing makeup, and a moisturizer that is specific to you and your skin. After that happens, you might have to pick and choose from a variety of moisturizers. Sometimes, this specific skin type can call for switching from season to season and developing new products as your skin changes.
Skin Type: Oily Skin
On the other side of the spectrum from dry skin, we have oily skin. As the name gives away, this is going to be the skin type that produces too much oil. One of the main reasons that this skin type develops in the first place is because the glands of this skin produce more oil than the average skin type. Acide from that, oil can be created based off of the diet, hormones, cosmetics, stress and hygiene rituals. While there are plenty of outside factors that could be affecting it, there are also plenty of people who experience oily skin because it is hereditary.
Ways to Recognize It
Oily skin is pretty easy to recognize, and there are a few ways to notice it if you’re not entirely sure. The best way to see it is just by feeling your skin and recognizing how much oil is on your skin. If you have oily skin, you might even notice that some of it carries onto your hand. Another test is using a tissue and see if there is any oil that carries from your skin to the tissue. You might also notice more blackheads and a constant breakout because of it. This is because the pores have a difficult time breathing through oil, so they clog up and break out more often.
Most Important Products
When trying to maintain and care for oily skin, your products are also going to be pretty specific to the type of skin that you have. While finding the right product can make a huge difference, this type of skin is also going to benefit from a routine and prioritizing the overall care for the skin. In regards to products, find a cleanser that can clean your face and help you manage the production of oil, without drying it out too much. That could create an even larger issue with your skin.
Skin Type: Combination Skin
Right in the middle of the skin type spectrum is going to be the combination skin type. This skin type gets a little bit of both features; both oily and dry skin symptoms and signs are there and affecting the overall look of the skin. For the most part, the oily based skin will be surrounding the T-zone, which includes the nose and forehead, and sometimes even the chin. This production of oil will lead to a breakout in these specific areas and a shiny look to the face overall. The remainder of your face, the eyes, mouth, and cheeks, will not be oily and are more likely to experience a dry patch as a result of the combination skin type.
Ways to Recognize It
The easiest way to truly recognize if you have combination skin is going to be based off where your breakouts are and how often they’re happening. If you have a fairly common and reoccurring breakout that happens in your T-Zone, or in the dry parts of your face for that matter, then you can ultimately recognize that a certain part of your face is reacting to that skin type. You will also notice both dry and flaky skin, as well as oily patches throughout your skin, which is what makes it a combination skin type.
Most Important Products
With this type of skin, you’re going to have to use a variation of products to really see the results that you want. While it may take longer to truly discover which products work for you and provide you with results, the minute that you find a variation of products that work for your skin, the minute you find a solution to one of the more challenging skin types. Something that is important to consider with this skin type are the professional procedures that are available. By having a professional work with your skin type, you have a better chance of hitting each specific area with the additional care that it needs to remain healthy and look great.
Skin Type: Sensitive Skin
The last skin type that we’re going to talk about today is sensitive skin. This is another skin type that is pretty difficult to work with, simply because you’re never quite sure what’s going to irritate it until after it’s happened. Another aspect of this skin type that makes it difficult is the fact that there is no one answer or solution to making this skin look incredible. What works for some people with sensitive skin may not work for others, and what reactions some have to circumstances will differ for others.
Ways to Recognize It
The easiest way to recognize this skin is simply by recognizing a reaction when it happens. For many, this can be in rashes that appear on the skin or allergies to products. There are various ways that this can happen, and like we said, various things that can set it off. For some eczema and rosacea are very common diagnoses that people have. For others, inflammation and irritation are immediate signs that there’s something else going on. Because of that, it’s extremely important that the right type of product is selected and that a routine regimen is followed.
Most Important Products
As mentioned, the products that are used are going to be one of the most crucial aspects of this skin type. That being said, this is another skin type that is going to take a while to truly find the product that works the best, and at times it could require spending a little bit more than you’d initially like. However, the more time that you spend finding the perfect product, the more likely you are to have a better understanding of your skin, understand what sets it off and realize what you need to counter it. For this skin, you are definitely going to want to look for both cleansers and moisturizers that are created specifically for sensitive skin. You will have to try various ones for a while and see how the skin reacts, but the chances of you finding a product that is designed for sensitive skin and enjoying it, are much higher than the chances of your skin reacting well to a standard cleanser and moisturizer.
These are all the various types of skin that you could be diagnosed with, but understand that there are so many different things that go into your diagnoses of your skin and what that means. For some, the amount of stress that occurs, what the diet and exercise regimen looks like, the overall climate that they grew up in, how much water they intake, and so much more, can become factors that irritate and affect our skin. The only way to truly get the skin that you feel comfortable in is by investing time and finances into finding what works for it and learning what makes it different, or what doesn’t work for it. As a team, Ona Salon wants to be there to provide answers for you, where we may, and hopefully those answers can be found in some of the high-quality and advanced skin care techniques that we offer.
Ona Salon in Nashville has a service for all types of skin type, and as the specialists in the area, we know exactly what types of services are going to yield the results that you need. Stop in today and talk with a professional about the various skin care services that we offer, get answers about any of our procedures, and learn more about the advanced skin care treatments that we offer. Contact our team today and we would be more than happy to provide you with answers to any of your questions and help you schedule an appointment for your service of choice.