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Radiesse in East Nashville

Hyperdilute Radiesse in Nashville is a dermal filler that is used to provide subtle rejuvenation for areas like the chest, neck, and hands. It works by encouraging your skin to produce more collagen, which helps to improve the appearance of the skin. In this way, sagging skin is tightened for a firmer look.

What Is Hyperdilute Radiesse?

Radiesse LogoRadiesse is a filler that’s made from calcium hydroxylapatite microspheres suspended in an aqueous gel. These microspheres provide structure while stimulating new collagen protein production.

Hyperdilute Radiesse has been diluted, or thinned out, using lidocaine and sterile saline. This allows it to cover larger treatment regions for more generalized revitalization.

How Does Hyperdilute Radiesse Work?

Hyperdilute Radiesse encourages your body to produce more collagen by stimulating receptors in your skin called fibroblasts. These cells are responsible for producing collagen and elastin—two proteins that help keep your skin looking youthful and smooth.

When these receptors are stimulated by Hyperdilute Radiesse, they start producing more collagen, which tightens the skin and boosts strength and structure.

Radiesse Before & After
Radiesse Before & After

Who Are Good Candidates for Hyperdilute Radiesse Treatment?

Hyperdilute Radiesse is a great option for patients who want to achieve a natural, youthful look. It’s an ideal choice for those who are ready to get rid of the signs of aging but don’t want to undergo more invasive procedures like surgery.

The best candidates for Hyperdilute Radiesse treatment are people who have crepey, thin or sagging skin on their necks, chest, or hands or even above their knees.

What Happens During the Hyperdilute Radiesse Treatment?

The Hyperdilute Radiesse procedure is very quick. The exact amount of time it takes to complete this process depends on the area being treated.

The filler will be injected into the skin using a small needle or cannula. When Hyperdilute Radiesse is diluted using lidocaine, the area being treated will be numbed against any pain.

What Happens After the Hyperdilute Radiesse Treatment?

You can return to most normal activities right away after a Hyperdilute Radiesse session. No makeup for 24 hours, saunas, hot tubs or swimming. Also we recommend no strenuous activity for 24-48 hours post injection. It is common for patients to experience redness, tenderness, swelling, and bruising at the injection site for several days after treatment.

If you are getting Hyperdilute Radiesse injections in your hands or neck, it’s important to avoid sun exposure for a time after your treatment. We recommend wearing sunscreen daily during this time period as well.

The results of the treatment are noticeable over time as the body continues to produce new collagen and elastin protein at an advanced rate.

The Cost of Hyperdilute Radiesse

The price of this dermal filler is dependent on a number of factors. The cost of Hyperdilute Radiesse can be impacted by the amount of filler being used, the number of areas being treated, and the number of sessions required to achieve optimal results.

Schedule Your Consultation

Find out more about Hyperdilute Radiesse in Nashville—contact Ona Skincare to book an appointment. This filler option can give you the tighter and more youthful-looking skin you deserve.

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Consultation to Maintenance Process Infographic

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